Posts tagged with "Acoustic"

27. July 2016
Abstract The development of process analytical technologies (PAT) can improve the efficiency and product quality during pharmaceutical manufacturing. The objective of the current research was to investigate the potential application of passive acoustic emission monitoring to detect changes due to lubricant addition and its dispersal in a V-blender. Trials were conducted with sugar spheres and two placebo formulations of pharmaceutical granules in a V-blender. Vibrations from acoustic emissions...
09. April 2016
Background Many pipeline drugs have low solubility in their crystalline state and require compounding in special dosage forms to increase bioavailability for oral administration. The use of amorphous formulations increases solubility and uptake of active pharmaceutical ingredients. These forms are rapidly gaining commercial importance for both pre-clinical and clinical use. Methods Synthesis of amorphous drugs was performed using an acoustic levitation containerless processing method and spray...