Posts tagged with "Council"

22. September 2016
Abstract: Background: In this era of evolution, quality and safety of pharmaceutical dosage forms have been given a prime importance. In this context, a detailed knowledge about physical and chemical properties of excipients is not sufficient, but information about safety and regulatory status of these materials is now essential to know. The present work will be beneficial to focus more on the safety, quality and stability of pharmaceutical product. Objective: Study of regulatory mechanism for...
28. April 2015
Rockville, Md., April 27, 2015 — A newly elected Council of Experts of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) will be responsible for establishing quality standards for medicines, dietary supplements and food ingredients for the next five years. The 2015–2020 Council of Experts was elected at the April 22–25, 2015, USP Convention Meeting in Washington, D.C.