Posts tagged with "HP-β-CD"

28. January 2017
Introduction Many drugs are unavailable in suitable oral paediatric dosage forms, and pharmacists often have to compound drugs to provide paediatric patients with an acceptable formulation in the right dose. Liquid formulations offer the advantage of dosing flexibility and ease of administration to young patients, but drug substances often show poor aqueous solubility. The objective of this work was to study different solvents and matrices to design a liquid formulation for poorly water soluble...
31. May 2015
Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) is being explored as excipient for administration of poorly soluble NCE's in pediatrics. In support of pharmaceutical development, non-clinical studies were performed to investigate whether oral and intravenous administration of HP-β-CD showed a different response in juvenile rats versus adult rats. Read more