Posts tagged with "Rotating"

29. November 2017
Purpose Characterisation of powder flow is important for pharmaceutical processing and manufacturing. This work aims at a better understanding of how fractal particle and bulk properties affect the static and dynamic flow of excipients. Methods Traditional methods of flowability testing, e.g. the angle of repose or the flow through an orifice, were complemented by avalanching in a rotational drum. Dynamic image analysis provided a fractal contour line dimension of the powder bulk in the drum...
26. March 2016
For many water insoluble acidic or alkaline drugs, amorphization and nanonization represent an effective bioavailability enhancement strategy. Cefixime (CFX) was chosen as a model drug, and amorphous nanoparticles were prepared via a typical process intensification technology: high-gravity reactive precipitation (HGRP). The effects of temperature, rotating speed, overall flow rate, and drug concentration on the particle size and size distribution were investigated. Under the optimum conditions,...