Posts tagged with "Seed"

22. July 2016
The use of solid self-emulsifying drug delivery systems is growing in popularity as they offer advantages over liquids, such as the ease with which they can be incorporated into tablets and other solid oral dosage forms, their stability and ease of manufacture. John K Tillotson, RPh, PhD, looks at the various methods available for manufacturing these systems and explores the possibilities of optimising these methods in the future. Link to ONdrugDelivery Magazine
23. March 2016
Durio zibethinus L. (Malvaceae) also known as “Durian” in the Philippines is an evergreen tropical tree found mainly in the regions of Mindanao and Sulu. One-fourth of the fruits' mass is composed of seeds which is usually discarded [1]. This study aimed to determine the binding efficacy of extracted Puyat variety of Durian seed gum in Paracetamol tablet formulation. Durian seed gum was extracted consecutively using petroleum ether, ethanol and 1% acetic acid. Yielded seed gum extract was...