Posts tagged with "Swallowing"

06. September 2018
Multiparticulate formulations based on pellets, granules or beads, could be advantageous for paediatrics, geriatrics and patients with swallowing difficulties. However, these formulations may require suitable administration media to facilitate administration. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of administration media properties on palatability and ease of swallowing of multiparticulates. A range of vehicles were developed using xanthan gum (XG) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)...

03. September 2018
Flexible dosing and ease of swallowing are key factors when designing oral drug delivery systems for paediatric and geriatric populations. Multi-particulate oral dosage forms can offer significant benefits over conventional capsules and tablets. This study proposes the use of an in vitro model to quantitatively investigate the swallowing dynamics in presence of multi-particulates. In vitro results were compared against sensory tests that considered the attributes of ease of swallowing and...

06. December 2017
The US FDA and EMA recently issued industry guidance focused on reducing risk associated with medication errors and improving patient compliance. Recommendations are that varying color, shape, and size between dose strengths of a solid oral medication are useful tools to improve diff erentiation and minimize potential for errors. Additionally, visual differentiation of immediate and modifi ed release dosage forms of the same drug is essential to ensure overall patient safety.

23. October 2017
The compliance of patients to solid oral dosage forms is heavily conditioned by the perceived ease of swallowing, especially in geriatric and pediatric populations. This study proposes a method, based on an in vitro model of the human oropharyngeal cavity, to quantitatively study the oral phase of human swallowing in presence of single or multiple tablets.