Posts tagged with "adulteration"

05. July 2016
Pecuniary gain, when stretched past the altruistic; carried through the protestant means to salvation and, past Adam Smith’s ‘hidden hand’ hypothesis; usually ends up at the other extreme of Hobbesian callousness, as portrayed by Orson Welles’ penicillin diluting character in The Third man. In light of the Volkswagen scandal, where software was surreptitiously installed to generate false, in-specification, results when the automobile was tested for emissions, it is prudent to examine...
07. February 2016
In the pharmaceutical industry, dextrose is used as an active ingredient in parenteral solutions and as an inactive ingredient (excipient) in tablets and capsules. In order to address the need for more sophisticated analytical techniques, we report our efforts to develop enhanced identification methods to screen pharmaceutical ingredients at risk for adulteration or substitution using field-deployable spectroscopic screening. In this paper we report our results for a study designed to evaluate...