Posts tagged with "congress"

Logo 4th Annual Formulatoin and Drug Delivery Summit March 2018 London
18. January 2018
A new feature of the revamped 2018 agenda is the expansion of the programme to cover advanced drug delivery devices and the areas of bioanalysis & stabilisation. Leading experts will discuss slow delivery devices for antibodies, needle-free delivery systems as well as updates in auto-injectors. The bioanalysis & stabilisation session will look at such areas as bioanalytical development for large molecules, prediction and characterisation of aggregates and particle-size analysis.

03. May 2015
Event Description Drug delivery strategy plays a major role within the future potential success of your product. Whether nurturing a new compound or developing a line of generic products, choosing the most effective delivery strategy can open the door to both opportunities, and hurdles. According to Markets and Markets, the drug delivery technologies market will eclipse $224 billion by 2017.

03. May 2015
Based on the success of 2014’s inaugural event, The 2nd Annual Controlled and Modified Drug Release Conference is taking place in Philadelphia, PA on May 13-14, 2015. 2014’s event had participants from Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, UK, Canada, Brazil, Taiwan and the United States. This intensive 2-Day program will share innovative controlled and modified drug release strategies that will benefit your current and future product pipelines....