Posts tagged with "containment"

Glatt laboratory containment @ Corden Pharma
17. April 2018
Corden Pharma in Plankstadt Germany trusts in Glatt Technology. In technological partnership with Weiss Pharmatechnik, Glatt provided state of the art pharma process solutions combined with top flexible barrier systems for contained developing service up to OEB 5 Level. Interested? Get in touch with Glatt

Photo of Pharma Worker with different Containment suits
25. January 2018
More and more of the new OSD drugs comprise of highly active components, where just milligrams of API are required for one daily medical dose. Thus, the pharmaceutical industry is facing increasing demand from regulatory authorities to achieve lower limits with regards to cross contamination. On the other side, rising HSE requirements come up, in order to avoid negative health effects to the personnel producing those medicines.

14. April 2016
Wie schrumpft man eine komplette Granulationslinie auf Labormaßstab? Containment inclusive? – Glatt hat gemeinsam mit dem Barrier-Hersteller Weiss Pharmatechnik eine kostenoptimierte Containment-Lösung geschaffen. Damit ist es möglich, mehrere Laborprozesse hintereinander mit nur einem Barrier-System zu betreiben. Quelle: PharmaTEC 01/2016, Anke Geipel-Kern, Vogel Business Media