Posts tagged with "europe"

12. August 2018
The FDA recently revamped the methods it uses to determine which foreign and domestic drug manufacturing sites warrant inspection or other types of surveillance and at what frequency. In concert withthe method revamp, the agency introduced a multiyear resource planning process that will enable it to better use resources and plan frequencies of product sampling as well as inspections. Great article by Jerry Chapman At the FDA/Xavier PharmaLink conference at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio,...

31. May 2015
IPEC Europe's board has responded to member feedback in our recent survey and drawn up a document detailing its priorities over the next five years. Read more

04. March 2015
Distributor DKSH (Zurich) says that it has signed an exclusive agreement with DFE Pharma (Goch, Germany), the world’s leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical excipients, to market, sell and distribute DFE Pharma’s Pharmacel or pharmaceutical-grade microcrystalline cellulose excipient in eight countries — Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. DFE Pharma is the global leader in excipient solutions and develops, produces and markets excipients for...
22. August 2014
Karine Roth, Novartis Pharma AG IPEC Europe Board Member ExcpientFest Europe - June 25, 2014 in Amsterdam,%20A2%20Certificate%20of%20Analysis%20Guide%20for%20Pharmaceutical%20Excipients.pdf
21. August 2014
Julia Maier - EDQM ExcipientFest Europe - Amsterdam June 2014,%20AM%20Key%20Note%20FRC%20Characteristics%20of%20Excipients%20in%20the%20EP.pdf