Posts tagged with "eventmay2015"

25. May 2015
Orally Disintegrating Tablets (ODTs) are getting increasingly interesting delivery systems in the Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical fields. This webinar will provide you important information to overcome the main challenges during the development of your ODT product. We will guide you toward a rational way for the selection of the right formulation. We will focus on the oral disintegration time and on the effect of the excipients on the ODT’s stability. More information and registration

23. May 2015
Event Program 25 May 2015 - Natural polymers in the Food and Industrial World 26 May 2015 - Natural polymers in the Pharmaceutical World 27 May 2015 – Visit to Expo 2015 “Feeding the planet, energy for life”°-annual-meeting-milano-maggio-2015

04. May 2015
This webinar will review the issues surrounding technically unavoidable particles and the role of the new TUPP guide in supporting a risk-based approach for evaluating visible particles in excipients.

04. May 2015
Improved Process Understanding of Fluid Bed Granulation and Coating using Current PAT Solutions Reserve your seat today - Free of charge

03. May 2015
Event Description Drug delivery strategy plays a major role within the future potential success of your product. Whether nurturing a new compound or developing a line of generic products, choosing the most effective delivery strategy can open the door to both opportunities, and hurdles. According to Markets and Markets, the drug delivery technologies market will eclipse $224 billion by 2017.

03. May 2015
Based on the success of 2014’s inaugural event, The 2nd Annual Controlled and Modified Drug Release Conference is taking place in Philadelphia, PA on May 13-14, 2015. 2014’s event had participants from Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, UK, Canada, Brazil, Taiwan and the United States. This intensive 2-Day program will share innovative controlled and modified drug release strategies that will benefit your current and future product pipelines....

30. April 2015
Maxine Fritz — Executive Vice President of Pharma Biotech Consulting at NSF Health Sciences FDANEWS Webinar Wednesday, May 27, 2015 • 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. EDT

17. March 2015
This workshop is conceived as a supplement to our theoretical film-coating workshop, in order to explain and demonstrate potential effects on the desired functional film-coating quality, caused by rheological variations of the raw materials or changes to their chemical properties. More Information and Registration: