Posts tagged with "hot melt extrusion (HME)"

06. June 2018
Hot-melt extrusion is well established in the plastics industry and is applied in pharmaceutical application for more than 30 years. In contrast to plastics, pharmaceutical formulation development is more complex as each formulation is unique in terms of compositions of active pharmaceutical ingredients, carrier and additives. Therefore, new innovative solutions are demanded to tackle the pharma specific challenges in formulation development like how to prevent losses with expensive material...

05. June 2018
Due to the high number of poorly soluble drugs in the development pipeline, novel processes for delivery of these challenging molecules are increasingly in demand. One such emerging method is KinetiSol, which utilizes high shear to produce amorphous solid dispersions. The process has been shown to be amenable to difficult to process active pharmaceutical ingredients with high melting points, poor organic solubility, or sensitivity to heat degradation. Additionally, the process enables classes...