Posts tagged with "impact"

26. September 2018
Usage of the amorphous phase of compounds has become the method of choice to overcome oral bioavailability problems related to poor solubility. Due to the unstable nature of glasses, it is clear that the method preparation of the amorphous glass will have an impact on physical/chemical stability and in turn in vivo performance. The method of preparation can also have a profound impact on the mechanical properties of the amorphous phase. We have explored the impact of preparation method on the...

23. May 2018
Flavors are blends of aroma chemicals that are developed for specific end-use applications. The exact composition of flavors is proprietary – it’s the intellectual property of the flavor supplier (“flavor house”). The exact makeup of a flavor is vigorously protected as trade secrets, and not by patents. This is common practice in the food industry, where the sales of popular brands can continue to grow for decades. It’s the secret recipe for Coca Cola that has enabled it to thrive...

06. January 2015
Vivek S. Dave1,*, Suprit D. Saoji2,Nishikant A. Raut2 andRahul V. Haware3 Article first published online: 5 JAN 2015 DOI: 10.1002/jps.24299
21. September 2014
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Preetanshu Pandey*, Dilbir S. Bindra, Shruti Gour, Jade Trinh, David Buckley and Sherif Badawy Article first published online: 15 SEP 2014 DOI: 10.1002/jps.24169;jsessionid=C8BE9908B306C183754A2C91D6808151.f04t02?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false