Posts tagged with "industrial"

3D printing
30. May 2018
The pharmaceutical industry stands on the brink of a revolution, calling for the recognition and embracement of novel techniques. 3D printing (3DP) is forecast to reshape the way in which drugs are designed, manufactured, and used. Although a clear trend towards personalised fabrication is perceived, here we accentuate the merits and shortcomings of each technology, providing insights into aspects such as the efficiency of production, global supply, and logistics. Contemporary opportunities for...

03. February 2016
Amorphous products and particularly amorphous solid dispersions are currently one of the most exciting areas in the pharmaceutical field. This approach presents huge potential and advantageous features concerning the overall improvement of drug bioavailability. More
18. December 2015
Pharmaceutical formulations have to fulfil various requirements with respect to their intended use, either in the development phase or as a commercial product. New drug candidates with their specific properties confront the formulation scientist with industrial challenges for which a strategy is needed to cope with limited resources, stretched timelines as well as regulatory requirements. More