Posts tagged with "mAb"

15. February 2017
Abstract Surfactants are widely used as stabilizers in the biopharmaceutical formulations to minimize protein aggregation. Under a fixed stress condition, the protecting and destabilizing effects of surfactants are hypothesized to be highly dependent on the species and concentrations of surfactants and mAb. Therefore, we here studied the aggregation-prevention and structure-perturbation effects of eight commonly used surfactants (Tw20, Tw80, Brij35, Chaps, TrX-100, SDS, Pluronic F68 and F127)...
21. September 2015
Moisture absorbent additives are often needed in situations where hydrophilic active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) are processed. These kind of API’s (e.g. amino acids) absorb humidity from the ambient air. Therefore the particles of other ingredients in your tablet mass will stick to the API. Clumping inside the tableting mass will lead to an inhomogeneity and fluctuations of the tablethardness during the compaction process. More