Posts tagged with "maximum"

04. January 2017
Active ingredients in pharmaceuticals di er by their physico-chemical properties and their bioavailabil- ity therefore varies. e most frequently used and most convenient way of administration of medicines is oral, however many drugs are little soluble in water. us they are not su ciently e ective and suitable for such administration. For this reason a system of lipid based formulations (LBF) was developed. Series of formula- tions were prepared and tested in water and biorelevant media. On the...
09. March 2016
Abstract: Lubrication plays a key role in successful manufacturing of pharmaceutical solid dosage forms; lubricants are essential ingredients in robust formulations to achieve this. Although many failures in pharmaceutical manufacturing operations are caused by issues related to lubrication, in general, lubricants do not gain adequate attention in the development of pharmaceutical formulations. In this paper, the fundamental background on lubrication is introduced, in which the relationships...