Posts tagged with "medication"

20. April 2017
Abstract The individualization of solid dosage forms to realize a flexible therapy for all patient groups is a topic which increasingly gains importance in pharmaceutical research. The goal of this study was to develop a nanoparticulate, instant orodispersible film (iODF) powder which can easily be reconstituted in water to cast ODFs containing an individualized concentration of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). It was shown that the processing of the film casing mass to iODF powders...
30. June 2016
Abstract Age-related pharmacological changes complicate oral dosage form (ODF) suitability for older adults. The aim of this study was to investigate the appropriateness of ODF for older adults by determining the prevalence of ODF modifications in an aged care facility in Ireland. Drug charts for eligible patients were obtained. Details of all medications administered were recorded. ODF modifications were examined to determine if they were evidence-based: defined as complying with the product...
21. April 2016
Reduction of intestinal load of phosphorus is important for the prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD)-mineral and bone disorder (MBD). However, this strategy is limited by patients’ poor adherence to dietary prescription and by the existence of hidden sources of phosphorus. In addition to food containing phosphate-based additives, it was recently claimed that medications may contribute to increase the load of phosphate (P), mainly present as an excipient. To identify...