Posts tagged with "neonatal"

03. September 2018
To attain effective and safe pharmacotherapy, formulations in (pre)term neonates should enable extensive dose flexibility. During product development and subsequent authorization and clinical use of such formulations, there is also a need for informed decisions on excipient exposure: in addition to the need to improve the knowledge on active compounds, there is a similar need to improve the knowledge on excipients in neonates. Excipients are added to formulations as co-solvent, surfactant,...

15. August 2018
To attain effective and safe pharmacotherapy, formulations in (pre)term neonates should enable extensive dose flexibility. During product development and subsequent authorization and clinical use of such formulations, there is also a need for informed decisions on excipient exposure: in addition to the need to improve the knowledge on active compounds, there is a similar need to improve the knowledge on excipients in neonates. Excipients are added to formulations as co-solvent, surfactant,...

08. April 2017
Technical Summary Excipents are chemicals added to medicines to improve their quality. Sporadic reports indicate that some may be toxic for neonates and lead to significant morbidity or death. However, there is insufficient information about the risks generated by excipient exposure because systematic surveys have not been done and studies on babies have not been ethical in the past. Recent advances allow determination of excipient levels in very small blood volumes (50 microlitre) including...
13. March 2016
Background Neonates may respond differently from adults to drug components. Hence, ingredients that seem safe in adults may not be safe in this age group. Objective To describe the content of harmful excipients in drugs used in our neonatal wards and compare the daily dose a neonate may receive with the accepted daily intake (ADI) in adults. Methods All drugs included in the hospital’s neonatal treatment guide were reviewed, using information from the package inserts or the summary of product...
14. July 2015
Context: Elaboration of oral liquid formulations is the best alternative when no marketed forms are available for pediatrics. Objective: The development, characterization and stability evaluation of methadone (MI, MII, MIII) and phenobarbital (PI, PII) can be used for the treatment of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). More
25. February 2015
Newborn babies can require significant amounts of medication containing excipients intended to improve the drug formulation. Most medicines given to neonates have been developed for adults or older children and contain excipients thought to be safe in these age groups. Many excipients have been used widely in neonates without obvious adverse effects. Some excipients may be toxic in high amounts in which case they need careful risk assessment.......