Posts tagged with "opioid"

12. January 2017
Over the past two decades, the increased use of opioids for legitimate medical purposes has been paralleled by a substantial increase in nonmedical use and abuse of opioids. The numbers are alarming and have risen to epidemic proportions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 2 million Americans abused or were dependent on prescription opioids. Overdose deaths involving prescription opioids have quadrupled since 1999, with 165,000 people dying of overdoses related...
15. June 2016
Abstract Over the past decade, the abuse of prescription opioid drugs has become a national health crisis in the United States. Pharmaceutical companies, the Food and Drug Administration, and other government agencies are confronting opioid abuse by developing and commercializing various abuse-deterrent drug delivery technologies. To deter opioid abuse, various strategies including physical barriers, chemical barriers, antagonists, aversive agents, and prodrugs have been investigated. A number...
28. June 2015
An international double-blind randomized placebo controlled study evaluated the safety and efficacy of four doses of a new sustained release naloxone capsule to treat Opioid Induced Constipation (OIC). More
29. December 2014
Consultation on the Draft Guidance Document: Tamper-resistant Formulations of Opioid Drug Product Submissions Opioid drugs are subject to the Food and Drugs Act. An opioid drug may be sold in Canada following a decision by Health Canada that the scientific evidence submitted by its manufacturer meets established standards for safety, efficacy and quality for the drug under the recommended conditions of use…....