Posts tagged with "packaging"

13. December 2016
Abstract Carrageenan is a natural polysaccharide extracted from edible red seaweeds of Rhodophycea class. It has been used as a viscosity increasing or gelling agent for prolonged and controlled drug release, food, pharmaceuticals and other industries. However, in spite of wide range of applications, carrageenan has some drawbacks and adverse effects on the biological systems, so its modifications with natural and synthetic polymers are carried out. This review article presents different...
08. August 2016
Abstract Bio-nanocomposites, composed of biopolymers and inorganic solids, show dimensions in the nanometer range (1–100 nm) which can be widely used in variety of areas owing to multidimensional properties like biocompatibility, antimicrobial activity and biodegradability. Considering these versatile properties of the bio-nanocomposites this review sheds a light on the synthesis, modification, characterization and applications of bio-nanocomposites based on different polysaccharides...
22. March 2016
An increasing elderly population is leading to a change in the global demographics. This presents a new challenge to society and the pharmaceutical industry. This demographic shift is providing an opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry to meet the specific needs of the changing patient population. One issue that has been identified is defining what is meant by “an older patient”, since this definition cannot be simply limited to chronological age. The fundamental purpose of the design...

27. February 2015
February 2013, Vol. 39, No. 2 , Pages 402-412 (doi:10.3109/03639045.2012.685176) Marc Hugo, Klaus Kunath, and Jennifer Dressman