Posts tagged with "pharmadeals"

16. September 2018
In August, the biotech boom of 2018 continued unabated and the Wall Street Journal reported that investment banks have lured top biotech analysts with guaranteed pay packages of USD 3 million or more. At this time of the year, equity analysts who assess companies and write reports that help investors gauge prospects and interpret news will certainly have their hands full as investments into pharma and biotech companies continue to grow at a rapid pace. Leading the pack in August was US-based...

29. August 2018
July may not have seen any big-ticket deals — i.e. deals in excess of US$ 1 billion — in the pharma and biotech space. Yet, deal making remained robust last month as well. Companies like Novartis, Roche, Lilly and Sanofi bolstered their R&D pipelines by striking deals which may result in billion-dollar payouts if they achieve their milestones. However, major investments were announced in the manufacturing and contract services arena which indicate that pharma job creation could be...

21. December 2017
The deals last month revolved around breakthrough cancer research and drug discovery, and new biopharmaceutical therapies for the disease. There were some exits too, as the female viagra (the controversial pink pill — Addyi— known for its harmful side-effects) got sold back to its original owners — Sprout Pharmaceuticals — and Cardinal Health exited China by selling its business to Shanghai Pharmaceuticals.