Posts tagged with "picking"

Photo of a pharmaceutical tablet formulation that sticks to the tool
10. August 2018
Sticking and picking during tablet manufacture has received increasing interest recently, as it causes tablet defects, downtime in manufacturing, and yield losses. The capricious nature of the problem means that it can appear at any stage of the development cycle, even when it has been deemed as low risk by models, tests, and previous experience. In many cases, the problem manifests when transferring the process from one manufacturing site to another. Site transfers are more common now than in...

04. October 2017
In this study, Metrics Contract Services was tasked with a complex re-formulation project. Briefly, the free-acid form of an API, Compound XY, was previously manufactured as 5-mg, 10-mg, and 25-mg strength tablets using direct compression process.

23. May 2017
Summary Poor lubrication results in picking and sticking problems during production. These are one of the most common causes of tablet defects which result in slow running of the tablet press and reduced output. High ejection stress (>5 MPa) is strongly correlated with manufacturing problems.The effect of lubricant concentration on tabletability, tablet ejection and detachment can be evaluated using the Gamlen D series. Lubricant effectiveness rank order varies between materials; some...