Posts tagged with "rat"

13. February 2017
Abstract In order to save time and resources in early drug development, in vitro methods that correctly predict the formulation effect on oral drug absorption are necessary. The aim of this study was to 1) evaluate various BCS class II drug formulations with in vitro methods and in vivo in order to 2) determine which in vitro method best correlates with the in vivo results. Clarithromycin served as model compound in formulations with different particle sizes and content of excipients. The...
07. June 2016
Purpose Currently, the FDA allows biowaivers for Class I (high solubility and high permeability) and Class III (high solubility and low permeability) compounds of the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS). Scientific evidence should be provided to support biowaivers for BCS Class I and Class III (high solubility and low permeability) compounds.
31. May 2015
Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) is being explored as excipient for administration of poorly soluble NCE's in pediatrics. In support of pharmaceutical development, non-clinical studies were performed to investigate whether oral and intravenous administration of HP-β-CD showed a different response in juvenile rats versus adult rats. Read more