Posts tagged with "toxicology"

27. June 2016
Abstract A medicine consists of 2 fundamental parts: the active pharmaceutical ingredient and the excipient. Most, if not all, medicines could not be made without the use of excipients. In the early times, the safety of excipients was overlooked and no specific safety tests were generally conducted. This fact has been changed over times and is currently being recognized that the excipient's toxicity is not negligible, because its direct interaction with the active pharmaceutical ingredient or...
31. May 2015
Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) is being explored as excipient for administration of poorly soluble NCE's in pediatrics. In support of pharmaceutical development, non-clinical studies were performed to investigate whether oral and intravenous administration of HP-β-CD showed a different response in juvenile rats versus adult rats. Read more