Posts tagged with "wafers"

24. January 2017
Introduction For drug delivery, oral intake is the most common and widely accepted procedure. However, many active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) for example large biomolecules like peptides, proteins and recombinant therapeutic agents typically have a very poor bioavailability after oral administration. Reasons are for example low mucosal permeability for large and hydrophilic molecules, a narrow absorption window at particular regions of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), lack of stability...
29. May 2016
Smoking cessation is of current topical interest due to the significant negative health and economic impact in many countries. This study aimed to develop buccal films and wafers comprising HPMC and sodium alginate (SA) for potential use in nicotine replacement therapy via the buccal mucosa, as a cheap but effective alternative to currently used nicotine patch and chewing gum. The formulations were characterised using texture analyser (tensile and hardness, mucoadhesion), scanning electron...