Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies 2018

The Complete List and Analysis of the 10 Best Pharmaceutical Companies in 2018. 7 criteria have been considered including revenue, growth, R&D investments, and others.


The global pharmaceutical market was estimated at USD 1.11 trillion in 2017 and projected to reach USD 1.43 trillion by 2020. In 2017, North America, Asia Pacific and Western Europe pharmaceutical market approximately accounted for 37%, 22% and 20% global market share respectively. 


In 2017, top-10 global pharmaceutical companies generated sales of USD 437.257 billion accounting for roughly 40% global market share and top-15 global pharmaceutical companies generated sales of USD 568.617 billion accounting for 51% global market share. A comparative analysis of the top-15 organizations was used to develop a ranking for these companies.

The ranking model incorporated seven criteria for each organization with focus on revenues generated by pharmaceutical products and growth in pharmaceutical revenues (2016 – 2017). The criteria includes pharmaceutical revenues, annual pharmaceutical revenue growth, total R&D expense, total expense, total income, proportion of revenue from top three pharmaceutical products and revenue per employee. A score statistic was developed based on these selected criteria. Each company was assigned a score for each criteria and a weighted sum was used to arrive at the final score statistic. Pharmaceutical revenue received the highest weight (45%) while revenue from top 3 products (5%) receives the lowest. The score statistic represented the pharmaceutical financial health and diversity of product portfolio of each company.


Details on each company in original article from IGEA hub

Graphic with the Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies 2018 ranked by revenue