Influence of Several Excipients on Drug Release of Tablets Containing Resveratrol


For pharmaceu cal tablet produc on, there are lots of commercial excipients available. All these excipients in uence the drug release of tablet cores in di erent ways. In this project the in uence of Carbopol 71G®, Carbopol 971P®, Fujicalin®, Neusilin US2®, Neusilin UFL2®, Pemulen TR-1®, Pemulen TR-2®, Sepistab ST 200® and Sepitrap 80® on drug release was inves gated. Tablets were compressed with resveratrol as a model drug using an eccentric press. Tablets containing 2 wt.% of resveratrol which was mixed with a certain amount of excipient, in addi on to 1 wt.% of talc, 1 wt.% magnesium stearate and Ludipress LCE. These products were compared with tablets without any excipients, but with all the other remaining components of the formula on. Drug release was in vitro inves gated in dependence of  me, according to European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur. 2.9.3). It appeared that drug release depends on the quali es of the pharmaceu cal addi ves. Tablets with Fujicalin® and Sepistab ST 200® exhibit a rapid release and disintegra on  me, while the other pharmaceu cal addi ves lead to a delayed release (retarda on). Drug release kine cs was described by the mathema cal model of Korsmeyer-Peppas.

Influence of Several Excipients on Drug Release of Tablets Containing Resveratrol
Kumpugdee-Vollrath M (2016) In uence of Several Excipients on Drug Release of Tablets Containing Resveratrol. M J Pharma 1(1): 007.
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