Excipients Insight September 2016 - IPEC Europe

This edition of Excipients Insight comes to you hoping you had a most agreeable summer break.  But 'excipient work is never done', to paraphrase a well-known saying and we are now very engaged in preparing for our remaining events in 2016 and 2017 activities.

IPEC Europe and APV's Fifth annual conference on pharmaceutical excipients was held on 20 and 21 September in Prague. The agenda included many "hot topics" in the area of excipient regulation and technology so expect a report in our next issue of Excipients Insights. We run these forums to help deliver on our mission's promise to inform and exchange good practices, hopefully to help you meet regulatory expectations in the most efficient manner. Please give us your feedback on how well we are doing. It's very much appreciated.
